My car blew a head gasket this Summer and my boyfriend and I decided to do the repairs ourselves instead of taking it in to a shop. Our friends let us use their garage for a few weeks while we worked every day on taking it apart, making the repairs, and putting it all back together. It actually started right away when we put it back together and we were quite impressed with our work! There have been a few minor setbacks since it was completed but it drives! It feels wonderful to have a car again! It was a learning experience but I don't plan on fixing cars again, it was awful coming home late every night smelling like oil and coolant and covered with grease.

As for the weddings, my cousin Sara got married in June and her wedding was such a blast! She got married at a golf course in Portland and it was a beautiful day. My cousin Megan got married earlier this month at a golf course in Bend, OR. We drove the 3 hours to Bend and rented a house with my cousins. Our refrigerator was stocked with beer and we played Cranium and Cards Against Humanity ALL WEEKEND. The weekend was so much fun but a lot of work as my boyfriend was the best man and I was a bridesmaid. Two family weddings in 3 month span of time is quite a lot but I love to see my family and have everyone together.
Last but not least, I'm going to Las Vegas with 3 of my friends for a girl's trip! We leave bright and early Thursday morning and I'm so ready! This year has been so stressful and I'm looking forward to relaxing with my friends and not having to worry about anything for 5 full days. Plus, we will be celebrating my best friend's birthday while on the trip! Hurray!
Hope your Summer has been fabulous! As much as I've enjoyed Summer this year I am already counting down the days until Fall. Bring on the cooler weather and falling leaves!
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