Cheesy title, I know! But my Christmas really was full of beauty as I got quite a few beauty related products. I didn't want to do a full 'What I got for Christmas' post but I did want to share the beauty related items I was gifted as I was VERY excited about them. I will probably do some full reviews on some of these items at a later date but since I just got them I will have to play around with them a bit first.

My boyfriend really surprised me this year with his gifts! He told me that he bought my gifts based on things he's heard me talk about or mention throughout the year so I was definitely curious as to what they were going to be. He bought me the Urban Decay Naked 2 palette and I was practically speechless! I've always admired the Naked palettes but being on a budget I never allowed myself to actually purchase one. I couldn't believe that he had remembered that I wanted one and even picked the perfect one for me!

The most surprising gift from him though was my new Lancome Le Curler eyelash curler. My beloved Shu Uemura eyelash curler broke last year (Boo!) and I had to make do with a drugstore lash curler for the time being. My boyfriend told me he actually checked with Sephora and went to go pick up the last Shu Uemura left at the store and when he got there they didn't have one. The lady who was helping him suggested the Lancome Le Curler instead and he purchased that for me. I can't believe he remembered my eyelash curler sob story and thought to replace it. He's the best! I am ECSTATIC to have a nice, new eyelash curler. I'm telling you, the higher end ones really are worth it!

Another thoughtful gift from my boyfriend was a set of Tweezerman Nail clippers. I have an unhealthy obsession with my nails. I can't stand for them to be long and they can't be too short either. The nails have to match on both hands and if I feel a piece that doesn't feel right I have to clip it. Basically, I trim my nails every day without fail. So far, I am loving these clippers and it is so nice to have a brand new pair!

In my stocking (which my boyfriend fills every year), I found 2 packages of Softlips lip balm. I've used this lip balm since high school and it's the best. My favorite is Vanilla (although they had a special one for Halloween called Marshmallow Ghost that I wish I could find again as I lost mine!). These lip balms are super hydrating and so small they fit anywhere! I have one in my purse, one in my bathroom cabinet and one on my nightstand (ummm...obsessed!).

We went to my mom's for Christmas and my mom told me that she experienced Ulta for the first time this year when buying my gifts. I had no idea she'd never been there but she thought it was so neat! I told my mom I wanted a curling iron in the size 1 1/4 and she picked up this Hot Tools one for me. I usually use a 1 inch curling iron to make curls in my hair but I've been wanting a larger one to make softer waves so I'm super excited about it!

My mom also picked up 3 Essie nail colors for me along with a Seche Clear base coat that a lady at Ulta recommended. She gave me Shearling Darling which is a dark berry red, Sable Collar which is a plummy brown shimmery color, and Pure Pearlfection which is clear polish with iridescent shimmer.

This year I was surprised to get a Victoria's Secret body lotion and fragrance mist from my Grandma. I just can't picture her in Victoria's Secret shopping! :) She picked out the Sheer Love scent for me and the scent is described as fresh white cotton and luminous pink lily. It smells really light, fresh and slightly floral and I think it will be great for Spring!
I'm so excited to start the new year off with my new beauty products!
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